So along with a bunch of other folks, I came down to help them get stuff salvaged and sorted ‘post-Sandy.
Run by Miriam Linna and her husband Billy, Norton puts out music that, not to put too fine a point on it, gives me pretty much non-stop joy in sub 3-minute bursts.
You can hear more stuff like this on WFMU’s Fools’ Paradise, (and it’s host, Rex, was there helping, too). Not for nothing, but Tom Hanks is a fan.
They are still in need of assistance. If you’re in the Brooklyn area, and want to help, contact me for more info.
Needless to say, if you also (or only) want to help storm efforts in other ways, do that.
In Jurassic Park, Jeff Goldblum plays some kind of scientist, and he cites “chaos theory” in some bull-shitty explanation as to why the dinosaurs were eating everybody.
At the time the movie was made, it was a buzz-phrase, but chaos theory has nothing to with anything in that movie. What perhaps was illustrated, is that in a sufficiently complex system, it’s impossible to anticipate all possible outcomes. I think a corolarry to that, is that you can call yourself lucky if most of the outcomes are neutral, because almost anything but that, is bad.
I mention this, because I read in the Times, about how all sorts of bad shit is happening as a result of the completion of the Three Gorges Dam in China. How could anyone think you can build the world’s largest hydro-electric dam, displace 1.4 million people, and think everything’s going to just “work out”? Now lakes are drying up, stuff is dying, etc. An official is quoted as saying,
“We failed to think of all the impacts that the dam might bring about when designing the dam…”
You think? To quote Mickey Rourke’s character in Body Heat,
“…any time you try a decent crime, you got fifty ways you can fuck up. If you think of twenty-five of them, then you’re a genius... and you ain’t no genius.”